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Surprisingly Tasty Freezer Meals

Surprisingly Tasty Freezer Meals

With Christmas and New Years Eve now only a distant memory, you may have already begun to forget about any resolutions that you had made for this year. Whether your aim was to commit to hitting the gym in the run up to your summer holiday later this year, or perhaps visit your local takeaway less often, in favour of a lovely home-cooked meal. 

The fact is, these resolutions can often seem incredibly difficult to uphold. Luckily, cooking healthier meals that will leave both your body and wallet in check doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think. In this article, we will list a few meals that you can easily cook in bulk that you won’t mind eating time and time again.

Bulking Season

You may be asking, what meals are easy to cook, good for you, yet still taste good? Although these meals will still take relatively the same time to cook as many other meals, by bulk cooking, this frees you up a lot of time that you would have been cooking for the rest of the week. For example, if you cooked a batch of 16 meals in one day, although you may be putting in slightly more effort than cooking for 4 people, this will then mean that you won’t have to cook again for a long time, saving you a lot of time. 

Frozen Food straight from the Freezer.

A Large Freezer is your Friend

Cooking too much food is great, but you may find yourself throwing out some of the extra portions if you don’t eat them in time. Here is where having a large freezer is your friend. Having a larger freezer in your home allows you to cook bulk meals, while ensuring that none of your cooking is wasted. When you are choosing what meals to cook, it is therefore important to choose a meal that is easy to reheat, while still retaining its flavour.

What Meals Should I Cook?

When you are deciding on which meals to cook in bulk, it is important to ensure that they will still taste good when you reheat it. Luckily, there are a wide range of meals that are perfect for bulk freezing before reheating. Below, we have listed just a few meals that will get you started, but make sure to check out your favourite food blogs to find even more perfect freezer meals for the whole family. 

A steaming bowl of reheated soup.

A Heartwarming Soup

If you are looking for a healthy, cheap and easy to make meal that is perfect for bulk cooking and freezing, soup is the perfect choice. There is truly a huge amount of choice when it comes to choosing a soup that is right for you. Whether you are partial to a minestrone, tomato or chicken soup, you are sure to find a soup that will go down a treat. If you have never made a soup, make sure that you purchase a high quality blender to ensure that the cooking process is as easy as possible. 

A steaming plate of reheated curry.

An Aromatic Curry

If you love your spice then a curry may be the perfect choice for your bulk meals. Even if you prefer a milder curry, curry is the perfect meal to bulk cook and then freeze. If you do plan on cooking a large batch of curry, make sure to cook the rice as and when you need it. This also gives you the option to have your curry with chips or even in a wrap or sandwich. While this may not be something you want to try, it just goes to show that it allows you to have a lot more freedom with how you choose to serve your bulk cooked meals. 

What Dishes shouldn’t I Freeze?

Unfortunately, as great as it is to freeze your bulk meals, there are also some meals that you should avoid freezing. As mentioned previously, Cooking your rice as and when you need it will provide your meals with a much nicer consistency. In line with this, as a general rule,  you should also avoid freezing products that contain dairy (excluding ice cream) as this can also lead to meals being a very peculiar consistency. It is also advisable to avoid freezing anything that has previously been fried, as this food can end up becoming incredibly soggy, which can be very unappealing.

Reheating food in a microwave.

Defrosting Your Food

Once it comes to the time that you wish to eat your food, you have two choices. Either you can defrost your food in the microwave or oven or you can plan ahead. Choosing to defrost your food just before eating it can prove to be a bit of a time-waster. If possible, we would always suggest leaving your food out to defrost the day before, so you can cook your food straight away.


Cooking bulk meals is a surefire way to help you to cut costs, while also saving you time. We hope that we have provided you with some much needed inspiration when it comes to freezing your meals. Make sure to search online for recipes that are perfect for freezing as there is a lot of information out there.