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Looking After your Tumble Dryer in the Winter

Looking After your Tumble Dryer in the Winter

Happy new year from everybody at Howards Electric! We wish the very best to each and every one of you! The new year is a time to begin a new chapter and for some, embrace a new lifestyle, be it pursue a new career, start a new sport, try a new hobby, meet new people, and much more. With starting things new, there always going to be challenges that need to be overcome for the goal to be achieved. One for many of these is the weather. After the new year, there is still three more months of winter weather, which can be a challenge to many peoples new years ambitions. Being outdoors in the winter is especially a challenge due to the colder weather. In the winter, the usage of your washing line is also heavily restricted due to the wet and cold weather, which means to dry clothes you must use your tumble dryer. Consistent use of your tumble dryer means the chances of breakdown or damage are much higher. In this post, we have covered various ways of keeping your tumble dryer in excellent condition throughout the winter.

Never Overload the Dryer

Overloading your dryer consistently could lead to a number of various issues. Not only will it use far more energy for the cycle to run efficiently, but it will also prevent hot air from moving freely, which is the function that dries the items of clothing. This means it could potentially take hours for the items of clothing or any fabric items inside of the dryer to dry, or still leave fabric items damp following the cycle. This could lead to an unnecessary amount of energy being used for the cycle to run, leading to highly expensive energy bills.

Regularly Clean Your Dryer

Cleaning out a dusty filter from a tumble dryer.

As your tumble dryer ages and is consistently used, it picks up fluff from various fabrics. This is then taken away from the clothes in your tumble dryer and is caught in the lint filter. Cleaning your tumble dryers lint filter frequently prevents any dust that is caught from overheating, which could potentially be a fire risk. Lint can simply be cleaned by vacuuming the lint filter with a vacuum nozzle or running the filter underneath a cold tap. Please note, it is highly important to dry the lint filter before placing it back in the dryer.

Avoid Mixing Large and Small Items

Folding up dry laundry.

Ever wondered why you could only find one sock of a pair that was placed in your tumble dryer? This is because they are likely in another item of clothing, in a pillowcase, bedsheet, or other larger fabric item. To avoid the stress of losing items of clothing in your dryer. It is best practice to arrange your clothing or fabrics into piles of similarly sized items, such as underwear with socks, and jeans with t-shirts and jumpers. This way, you can easily avoid losing important smaller items of clothing in cycles. This will also ensure each of your items of clothes are dried equally rather then some items being damper than others following a cycle. 

Never Insert Clothes That are Too Wet

By taking your clothes directly our of your washing machine and placing them into your dryer, it may leave excessive water and the additional weight could easily damage your drum and increase your energy bills. When drying your clothes in the dryer, it is vital to allow time for some of the clothes to rinse before placing them in the dryer. If you place the clothes in the dryer directly from the washing machine, it is important to run a double cycle and empty the dryers container between each cycle.

Tumble Dryers Newcastle under Lyme

As it is that time of the year where we cannot use our washing lines due to the colder and much wetter weather, it is vital to have a fully functioning and efficient tumble dryer in your home for you and your family. If your current tumble dryer is old, faulty, damaged, or you currently do not own a tumble dryer in your home. Visit Howards Electrical for brand new Tumble Dryers in Newcastle under Lyme or other appliances such as fridge freezers from a variety of high-end manufacturers.