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How many Ovens does my Kitchen Need?

How many Ovens does my Kitchen Need?

Ovens are an essential part of most people's kitchen designs in the UK. It is very rare you will find a kitchen without one and with good reason too! Us Brits love to bake and cook, just look at the love for TV shows such as the Great British Bakeoff and celebrity cooks such as Gordon Ramsay. Not to mention our passion for the classic Sunday roast dinner, a homemade Pizza or a good old fashioned family cake bake-off. All of these things would become evidently a lot harder and damn outright impossible without our beloved ovens. 

However, a big question remains when planning a new kitchen layout and that is how many ovens will I need? Is a second oven worth the money? How will this affect the design of my kitchen? Well, its a good job you landed on this article because we will be answering all these questions and more!

How Many are too Many?

The biggest concern people have when it comes to buying ovens is the question: “how many ovens will I need in my kitchen?”. Within the UK it is common practice to find that almost all standard kitchens contain the essential, bare basics of one oven, a hob and a fridge. Appliances such as dishwashers and microwaves are also very common and very useful appliances to have. However, a new trend that many people are adopting is adding an additional oven to their new kitchen plans.

The plunge to add another oven to your kitchen can take an amount out of your budget when planning to build your new dream kitchen. So is it worth taking that plunge? Well, it’s worth taking some important factors into consideration when choosing to install one or two new ovens into your dream kitchen and they are often so say simple questions to answer on paper. 

How much space does your kitchen have?

The simple answer is if your kitchen is too small, simply two ovens are not needed when you need space for fridges, sinks and other cupboard space. However, it is worth considering that the space you are sacrificing for an additional oven is worth it. If you are a very keen baker or love cooking large meals, a second oven is 100% worth it. Say, for example, you need to cook two different meals at different temperatures or at different times, you can easily do this with an additional oven in your kitchen. 

Why do I need another oven?

As previously mentioned, if you are a keen cook who likes to time your meals to perfection or love hosting large gatherings with family and friends a second oven is a great addition to your kitchen design. It allows you to keep everything within timings, permitting you to ensure all parts of your meal are cooked simultaneously and stay warm. There is nothing worse than having to wait around for the final part of your meal! In addition to this, it saves you a heap load of time and instead gives you a chance to have a rest after a long day's work or even spend time with the family. Now doesn’t that sound great!

How will it look?

A second oven in your kitchen will always give your kitchen that finishing touch and make the double oven feature a standout piece that will amaze anyone who steps foot within it. Plus, incorporating the second oven into your plan beforehand can make your kitchen that extra bit special. Plus, you will be the envy of all your friends! 


Overall, I believe that a second oven is worth it, especially if you are a whiz like Mary Berry in the kitchen! All in all, it makes your kitchen that extra bit special with a more professional feel plus it gives you that extra comfort in not having to rush and wait around for things to cook through. Furthermore, it allows you to have more free time and enjoy a fully warm meal, fresh from the oven. What more is there not to want and I promise you once you incorporate two ovens into your kitchen space, you will never go back. Trust me, I know from experience!